Sunday, February 28, 2010

I returned to you but found my empty home.

did some exploring with a friend of mine yesterday. the lighting was a bit dull but I think it works.
click for bigger! also it's probably going to mess up my layout. :P







I'll have to finish later.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

some pictures I like that haven't really seen the light of day.

just a few for tonight. :]



I'll be starting college when this girl is going into kindergarten.

sometimes I wish I could go back to being a kid again, without so much to worry about or think about but then I think that kind of discredits what deep minds children can have. When I was little I used to think about so many things. there was so much in the world that I wanted to know about! I think I'm discovering most of what I've always wanted to know but love still kind of eludes me. I understand it but it's yet to be reciprocated. So I'll be here waiting, wandering around in the night air. I say I can't wait for spring but really I love every moment of this life. I'm going to try not to wish it all away. I need to take more time to be creative and happy.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Take a picture of yourself right now. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture. Post that picture with NO editing.

I took this with my webcam sooo the colors are a little off but yeah.